
Digital Signature

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Digital Signatures are electronic verification that a company is in good standing. Some bids require a Digital Signature in order to submit an offer. If a bid that you are placing an offer on requires a Digital Signature, please follow the instructions below:


Steps to Apply the Digital Signature to a Bid


Digital Signatures need to be applied to bids that fall under Limited/Links Bids or In-Network Bids (some bids require a subscription to gain access to Bid information, as determined by the posting agency). To apply a Digital Signature, follow the steps below:

  1. Complete your offer by filling in all the required fields and uploading any documents for a complete offer.

  2. Scroll down and select Review response when finished, to save progress.


  3. After reviewing the information entered, locate the Security section and select Sign Offer.


  4. If already registered, sign into DocuSign. If not, register for Free.


  5. Once signed in, on the first connection, Accept the permission to connect with BidSync.


  6. If step 5 has previously been completed, then a preview of the document loads. If Accepting the BidSync/DocuSign connection for the first time, a general DocuSign account page loads. Return to the bid and Review the Bid Offer response (from Step 3). Then continue here at Step 6. Select CONTINUE in the upper right-hand corner to open the document:


  7. Review the document as needed, to verify what is being signed, then select START from the left-hand side to begin electronically signing the document:


  8. DocuSign will automatically scroll to the signature location in the document. If previously signed up with DocuSign, it will prompt for your signature. If this is the first time, follow the prompts to set up a signature to use on documents within DocuSign. Select the SIGN option above the signature line to sign the document:


  9. Scroll to the bottom of the DocuSign page (or locate FINISH in the upper right-hand corner) and complete the process:


  10. Once returned to the Review Offer page, follow Step 4 as outlined in the How do I respond to a Bid article. To review the signed document, access the Bid Review Offer page and select the View Signature Document link:

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