
Where do LinksPLUS bids come from?

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LinksPLUS™ is a reference to Periscope Holdings' BidSync Classic subscription services. Subscriptions within the Classic environment are no longer available, though current subscribers may opt in to continue or change over to the new service when they renew.


Subscriptions are now managed within the Periscope Supplier to Government (S2G) network which is populate by bids that come from thousands of government agencies and private companies posting their bid opportunities online, in newspapers, and via email. Periscope's proprietary extraction software and fully staffed research team work together to locate government bids at the Federal, Military, State and Local levels, classify them based on NIGP codes, and include them as a bid opportunity on the website. Subscribers can then use the S2G platform as a notification hub based on profile settings and bid relevance, to be able to reach out to a wider range of agencies.

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